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Post Delt Swings Bodyweight exercise for the back of the shoulder, using only the bodyweight and the floor.

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Want to learn more about BodyWeight Exercises? Check out Gravity Advantage MAX Book
Gravity Advantage Max was put together as a latest scientific exercise program for people who want to get tremendous power using their own body weight as exercise resistance.

Everyone who honestly follows this program for a few months, has a potential to not only be able to develop a ripped muscular physique, but also muscular might, never before thought possible, without ever lifting weights. The secret of this program is the progressive loading of muscle groups through the use of one’s own body weight and gravity


Everyone who honestly follows this program for a few months, has a potential to not only be able to develop a ripped muscular physique, but also muscular might, never before thought possible, without ever lifting weights. The secret of this program is the progressive loading of muscle groups through the use of one’s own body weight and gravity.

This exercise program goes far beyond other bodyweight disciplines such as Yoga or Pilates. Latest development in scientific progression plus a well calculated force of gravity is all that is required for tremendous gains in strength.

Strength, self-esteem and personal physical appearance are qualities gained from The Gravity Advantage Max. Because some exercises are inverted it allows the body to reverse the toll of gravity. Improved lymph flow, blood flow, youthful appearance as well as many other health factors are a part of Gravity Advantage Max program.

If you are tired of your old work out routine where you constantly do the same old pull ups, chin ups, push ups, press ups, dips. Squats and sit ups, I've got great news for you. I've put a variety of different level body weight exercises for you to choose from, so that you won't be bored with your workout

This is a program that can be done anywhere, requiring only a few pieces of easy to find, simple equipment. Suitable for a beginner as well as an advanced student, everyone will find value in this program.

I've got to warn you tough to get ready for accusations from your friends that you are doing steroids, as they simply won't believe you when you tell them that you've build your super human strength without any body building equipment, but only through using your own body weight.