| The goal of the book is to explore the functionality
of unilateral bodyweight exercises. Most physical activities are
performed with one arm or one leg at a time. Examples are throwing a
ball, throwing a punch, hitting with a rocket, throwing a kick. Indeed
most athletes perform unilateral skills, yet train bilaterally. The
Power of One demonstrates the advantages of unilateral training. | If
you are tired of your old work out routine where you constantly do the
same old pull ups, chin ups, push ups, press ups, dips. Squats and sit
ups, I've got great news for you." says Paul Zaichik "I've put a variety
of different level body weight exercises for you to choose from, so
that you won't be bored with your workout". | Do YOU want to get over the bar? Do YOU want to Rise to support on the rings? Do YOU want to master the Muscle Up? But
don’t have any idea where to begin? Don’t worry; you’ve come to the
right place. I’ve got exactly what you’ve been looking for!
Perfectly Balanced Strength and Conditioning Routines
It seems lately that many people don’t understand muscle balance. People wonder if dips go with pull ups or do pusheups go with chin ups. What about chin-ups, pushups and dips?
The concept is simple really. It has been used very successfully by Paul Zaichik in his seminars and books.
To understand it, you must simply know that if you push up, you pull down. If you pull back, you push forward. Each exercise has a balancer. Some exercises are more common than other, but through proper routine equilibrium can be created.
Why exercise in this fashion?
This type of training allows the tissues on each opposing side of the joint to create equal movement and stabilization force. This helps to prevent injury, develop a well rounded physique, and maintain postural and structural health.
Muscle imbalance is often achieved by training groups of muscles and neglecting their antagonists. Pushups, without balancing pulling movement, such as the rows is the classical example of that.
This can lead to forward rounded shoulders, stooped posture and possible pressure on the lungs. Frequent mid and upper back injury is also common.
If you want to learn balanced exercise routines, check out Paul Zaichik’s Gravity Advantage Max and Power of One books GRAVITY ADVANTAGE MAX...
Gravity Advantage Max was put together as a latest scientific exercise program for people who want to get tremendous power using their own body weight as exercise resistance.
Everyone who honestly follows this program for a few months, has a potential to not only be able to develop a ripped muscular physique, but also muscular might, never before thought possible, without ever lifting weights. The secret of this program is the progressive loading of muscle groups through the use of one’s own body weight and gravity
Everyone who honestly follows this program for a few months, has a potential to not only be able to develop a ripped muscular physique, but also muscular might, never before thought possible, without ever lifting weights. The secret of this program is the progressive loading of muscle groups through the use of one’s own body weight and gravity. |
This exercise program goes far beyond other bodyweight disciplines such as Yoga or Pilates. Latest development in scientific progression plus a well calculated force of gravity is all that is required for tremendous gains in strength.
Strength, self-esteem and personal physical appearance are qualities gained from The Gravity Advantage Max. Because some exercises are inverted it allows the body to reverse the toll of gravity. Improved lymph flow, blood flow, youthful appearance as well as many other health factors are a part of Gravity Advantage Max program.
If you are tired of your old work out routine where you constantly do the same old pull ups, chin ups, push ups, press ups, dips. Squats and sit ups, I've got great news for you. I've put a variety of different level body weight exercises for you to choose from, so that you won't be bored with your workout
This is a program that can be done anywhere, requiring only a few pieces of easy to find, simple equipment. Suitable for a beginner as well as an advanced student, everyone will find value in this program.
I've got to warn you tough to get ready for accusations from your friends that you are doing steroids, as they simply won't believe you when you tell them that you've build your super human strength without any body building equipment, but only through using your own body weight.
JAM PACKED WITH INFORMATION! Jam packed with information and detailed, deceptively simple instructions, to give you a superior workout. Extremely easy to follow with a well illustrated maximum strength building routine.
A RECIPE FOR SUCCESS! Every muscle group in the body gets the best of what body weight training has to offer. The program is completely balanced, and every pushing movement is offset by a pulling movement, keeping every muscle in check and in equilibrium. Giving you the ability to utilize 100% of your own body weight, while working every muscle group, chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings you name it!
In case you you are wondering what does lifting 100% of your body weight means, think about this; when you do push ups the amout of body weight that you lift is about 70 percent. Imagine how strong you would get if you could lift 100% of your own body weight with the same movement. It's no secret: a lot more resistance gives you a lot more strength gains. This is exactly what the program is about; the use of maximum resistance possible for each of your muscle groups.
Be prepared to shock your friends who will accuse you of secretly taking steroids and lifting heavy weights. They will not believe you that you can achieve such high level of strength using only your body weight.
I have used this program for many years to build strong, muscular bodies, using only one's own body weight as resistance. And now this speedy and simplified approach to strength can be yours! GAMax can now be yours! A compilation of valuable information you will not get anywhere else. A program that will help you to surpass the rest, get a strong muscular body, impress onlookers, and give you a wealth of knowledge on how to keep yourself in great shape.
Experience GAM now and be on the road to success!
To understand the power of this manual I would like to share this with you:
One of my former students got involved in a fight. Living in a rough neighborhood he had to fight to defend himself. Having badly hurt his attacker, he was sentenced to 42 months (3.5 years). At the time of his sentence he was a minor. His greatest fear was his future in the adult prison. My former student heard stories of what happens to the young and the weak (regardless if they drop the soap or not). He waned to lift weight to become strong and more importantly to appear muscular.
The problem was that due to frequent fights the facility where he was held had all the weight lifting equipment removed. Only dip/ high bars and bare benches were left. He knew that squats and push ups will only get him so far, and that is when he remembered what I had preached. I have long advised him to do full bodyweight resistance lifts. These are the exercises which place all the body resistance on a selected group of muscles. Most of them are way too difficult, but I have on a few occasions explained and demonstrated a sequence of progression. My student lucked out, because he saw other students and myself perform those and had a mental picture of what I was talking about.
He had less than a year to get himself into a tough, mean looking shape. Having not much else to do he trained. This was the first time, that I seen someone as determined as myself achieve super strength with these exercises. Not too long ago, I met my former pupil. He was the exact definition of visuable strength. His loose denim jacket could not even hide it. His shoulders were the size of the Olympic lifter. Vasti portions of the quadriceps protruded through the jeans. Biceps and triceps tightly filled his sleaves. His powerful traps greatly elevated his collar. Just to make sure, I asked him if he only used the exercises I gave him. He said yes.
Recalling back to his experience, he told me the following. By the time he was transferred, his body was totally changed. So was his strength. He wanted to test his strength the conventional way. Once the iron became available, my former pupil gave it a shot. On the bench press, he lifted over 150% of his body weight, 3 times. Keep in mind; he had no access to weights in about a year. Could the push ups do that? Never say never, but I doubt it. He also tried the leg curl and leg extension. On the curl he lifted more than his own body weight. On the extension he easily did full stack of plates.
He achieved this strength with only his body weight. After this I decided to write about this method. Although I am sure that this method is not new, I have never seen anything similar in print.
I will not put weight lifting down. Iron has it's undeniable place in the world of fitness. What I set out to do is the following: Show the amount of strength that one can achieve with bodyweight exercises. If you have been a fan of push ups and crunches as body weight exercises you are up for a very huge surprise. Most of the exercises in the GAM method will be too difficult, for 95% of the athletes. Just imagine using only a fraction of your musculature to lift the whole body weight. Oh yes, it’s possible; a scientifically designed, kinesiological progression is the key.
The Power of One is a joint effort by Paul Zaichik and Guys at Bodyweightculture. The goal of the book is to explore the functionality of unilateral bodyweight exercises. Most physical activities are performed with one arm or one leg at a time. Examples are throwing a ball, throwing a punch, hitting with a rocket, throwing a kick. Indeed most athletes perform unilateral skills, yet train bilaterally. The Power of One demonstrates the advantages of unilateral training.
Since most people are not aware of how to properly progress from two sided to one sided skills, the five step Power of One program is presented. These are the five steps one needs to take to go from a pull-up or push-up or squat, to its one sided counterpart.
In addition to commonly known unilateral exercises just mentioned, many other fully functional one arm/one leg techniques are taught. The book not only teaches new single sided techniques, but also how to master them. Moreover, there is a section that recommends chosen unilateral training techniques that can help a trainee excel in their desired sports and activities. Hundreds of pictures (Over 300) are showcasing a variety of exercises.
If, you want to learn difficult one arm/one leg skills the safe and the right way, then this book is for you. We encourage you to get a copy of this book and take your training to the new heights. The Muscle Up Book DVD Combo:Do YOU want to get over the bar?
Do YOU want to Rise to support on the rings?
Do YOU want to master
the Muscle Up?
But don't have any idea where to
begin? Don't worry; you've come to the right place. I've
got exactly what you've been looking for!
How can I be so sure? Because, I've
taken the best muscle up performers in the world, the top gymnasts and the
finest athletes and broke their muscles ups in to the smallest components. I
then took a mix of untrained, semi-trained and well trained athletes, none of whom
ever did a muscle up before, and tested dozens of programs on them.
I took what works the fastest and
the safest and threw out the rest. In
the process I found that there are 4 main ways to perform a muscle up and one
of many key components of muscle up training is to know which muscle up you are
training for.
That's right I've found a
breakthrough formula that WORKS FAST!
I hold nothing back in this information jam packed Book/DVD
combo, and teach you all 4 bar muscles ups.
I even arranged them to teach you the easiest first and build up on that for
most advanced one.
The secret is to know what you are training for! Have you been preparing
for one muscle up variation while trying to do another one? Many people in my
test groups did, before they found out about it. There is almost a certainty
that you are guilty of that also. Hey I am a professional kinesiologist and
even I did not know about this secret until I did thorough research. So don't
feel bad, be glad that there is an easier way available right now!
Speaking of variations, did you know
that there are also many ways to do a ring muscle up? But I have simplified it
for you and from the upper body point of view, I will show you 2 main ways to
do them, so that you don't have to waste countless hours in vain. Again here,
if you try to do one and train for another, good luck!
In this one of a kind Book and DVD combo, I go over
everything you need to master these 6 muscle up variation:
- Pendulum Pass
- Pull Over Pass
- Diamond Strength Transfer
- Planche Strength Transfer
- Oxter Pass
- Wing Up
(4 on the Bar and 2 on the Rings) The
book explains everything and the DVD demonstrate each movement; you get the
best of both worlds!
I cover the complete warm up. Why spend book and disk space on this? As you know the warm
up must be skill specific. If it's not, the skill won't be optimally developed.
Same goes for intensity and duration. Too much will leave you too fatigue to
have the right amount of energy to progress up the skill ladder. Too little of
a preparation and you won't be ready or worst, you can get injured. I found
that proper warm really helps and I want your skill development to be fast, safe
and effective.
In the next chapter I go over the conditioning exercises. Your whole body
gets to not only handle the stress of muscle up training, but actually to absorb
that stress, benefit from it and come out with a perfect muscle up! I take all
the guess work out for you, and explain which exercises to do, how to do them,
how long to do them for, etc. You know exactly when you are ready to start
training for each muscle up skill. Everything
is broken down for you! You'll get all the benefits of my years long research,
trial and error and experimentation, so that no time of yours will ever be
Secrets reveled; You've NEVER experienced anything like THIS
The actual muscle up training is broken up into two parts. This structure brings a whole new dimension to the world
of Muscle Ups. Having cut muscle up
mastery to shorter time than any other
method; you are presented with a skill part and a strength part. I have seen
people do one or the other, but never both. I have also seen people do skill
progressions based on nothing but common guess work, combined with conditioning
exercises, but not high-carry over strength routines. In short, time is wasted, once you can no
longer practice the skills due to fatigue however, the strength elements can be
trained, resulting in fast skill development reinforcement.
But that's not all! You'll also get a HUGE FREE BONUS!
Finally, I throw in a huge bonus.
The perfectly balanced Iron Cross Program. The more advanced of the two
ring muscle up variations, uses almost all the same muscle groups as the Iron
Cross. This ultimate demonstration of body weight strength is rarely achieved
by most people and is usually left for the elite. But now I bring you a never
before seen original masterpiece, that will allow you to separate yourself from
the ordinary, and suddenly give you the know how to stand out and shine, the first and only
program, that is a natural next step after muscle up mastery put within your
After having risen over the rings to
strong support position, it's only natural to show the total strength by moving
your hands out into an Iron Cross for everyone to see your absolute mastery
over gravity and your own body weight!
So now you know exactly what you are
getting and the countless benefits you are getting from it. It's time to enter
the world, where you submit the rings and bar to your strength and will, by
rising above them.
