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ElasticSteel Grappler - Strength & Flexibility Instructional DVD
Splits Flexibility Stretching
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Regular Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $49.95
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Length of the DVD: 2 Hours
Better Together with: Strength & Flexibility Book

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: GRAP-DVD


Extreme STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY can now be Yours! Grappler Instructional Strength & Flexibility DVD! ON SALE NOW !!!!  


ElasticSteel Grappler DVD is a perfect balance of strength and flexibility training aimed at improving the game of a grappler.

Presently grapplers from all walks of life are beginning to recognize the benefits of flexible lower body. What people are slow to see are the benefits of specific strength development.

Many grapplers still rely on squats and other similar exercise in their training. Those are great general conditioning tools, but they don’t transfer to a very specific strength needed on the ground in close quarters, where most of the game takes place.

Specific strength does a lot more than that. It helps to develop flexibility. In other words strong quadriceps won’t help when you want to develop flexibility in your inner thighs or outer hips.

At the same time specific strength allows the flexibility to be functional. For example, what good is your ability to get your leg into the right position if you have no strength to maneuver it, once it’s there?

ElasticSteel Grappler DVD hits all these points right on the bull’s eyes. Every exercise is designed to develop strength or flexibility and in many cases both abilities simultaneously for specific applications in close quarters.



It’s not enough to know the moves and the right time to apply them. You must have the ability to use them. This DVD gives you that ability.

In this DVD you will find three routines.

A first routine is for grapplers who are not very strong or flexible as far as core and lower body is concerned. The strength and flexibility are both grappling oriented. Being able to do splits or squat hundreds of pounds doesn’t prepare you for grappling, for this reason so many advanced athletes may have to start with the basic routine.

 Second routine is more advanced. If you feel comfortable with this routine that means that your past or present instructor knows something about functional strength and flexibility training. Upon a few months of practicing this routine your strength, muscular endurance and flexibility will be improved tremendously and this will prove on the mat.

 The third routine is very specific to grappling techniques and has what it takes to elevate you from good to great.

If you are a grappler looking to supplement your time on the mat, this is the only tape you’ll ever need. Just follow the routines and your strength and flexibility will soon reach new heights.


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